Women’s Economic Empowerment
women’s economic empowerment(WEE) is central for realizing Africa Community Impact Organization’s missions for every child, life in all its fullness. When women are financially stable can contribute to a household, investments in children’s health and education increase. Therefore, WEE is a key supporting approach of Africa Community Impact Organization’s livelihood sector where women can benefit alongside men.
Gender Equality
Africa Community Impact Organization (ACIO) contributes to gender equality by improving the management, programming, and sustainability of local women’s rights groups. Gender equality is an indispensable tool for lasting and deep social transformation. Africa Community Impact Organization works towards this purpose in everything we do. Women and adolescent girls are our primary impact population. With our partners, we pay particular attention to how programming, advocacy and partnerships include, enable and impact women and girls.
COVID-19 has exacerbated existing inequalities, underscoring society’s reliance on women on the front lines and at home, while exposing structural inequalities that are setting women and girls back. The secondary impact of COVID-19 include a shadow pandemic of gender-based violence (GBV), declines in mental health, economic recession, job losses, and hunger and food insecurity. An anti-feminist backlash is occurring globally as extremist governments seek to instrumentalise gender stereotypes and control women’s bodies for their political agendas and roll back progress of recent decades. Although many donors have identified gender equality as a key factor for development, aid reaching women’s organizations remains negligible. Gender discrimination also significantly harms people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.